Never Lose Another Receipt Again

Never Lose Another Receipt Again | My Creative Happy

An organized life is a happy life.  I truly believe this.

And for the most part, I am a pretty organized person.  I love bins and baskets and labels and drawer organizers.  I love clicking NEW FOLDER on my computer.  I love designating a shelf for this and hanging a hook for that.  It just makes me happy.

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Valentine’s Day Decor

So I will start by saying that I initially had no idea what I was going to do for my Valentine’s Day Decor this year.

I was still suffering post traumatic stress from last year’s Valentine’s Day debacle.  I was so determined to keep red out of Valentine’s Day last year, sticking with my new home’s lighter, muted tones that I managed to create the world’s ugliest Valentine’s Day Decor.  Seriously, it’s an utter embarrassment, and I’d delete the whole the blog post completely, but I’d like to think that one day, it will show my growth as a home DIYer.

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The Miter Saw Queen

This is the story of a girl.

A girl who knew nothing about tools.  A girl who, every time she wanted to do projects around the house (and this was something she wanted to do a lot), had to rely on her husband’s help.

And don’t get me wrong, the girl’s husband was very kind, and he did help.  Often.

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Winter Decor | Decorating in January

Winter is my favorite season.

There is something beautiful in the blue-gray sky of winter, and of stark trees with twiggy branches.  I love cold air where you can see your breath, and frost on windows, and I get excited about wearing a sweater and scarf over shorts and flipflops.  Maybe this stems from growing up in Florida, where winters are imaginary, and too many Christmases were spent in nontraditional-75-degree-weather-with-a-nice-touch-of-humidity, but I adore winter. (Seriously, who has ever read A Night Before Christmas where he throws open the shutters to green grass!?)

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Winter Woodland Tablescape

Okay, I have serious issues.

Because what I was supposed to be doing was this: putting away Christmas decorations.  And I did do that (hmm…for the most part).  But when I got to my Christmas Table Decor, and I started putting away the holiday plates, and the glass Christmas trees, and anything else directly related to Christmas, what I had left on the table looked….well, quite pretty.

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Christmas Tablescape

Well, you can tell that I am still a newbie blogger, because I could not, for the life of me, get my act together to blog about my Christmas decor before the actual holiday itself.  Blame it on being a full-time working mother, or the fact that I crammed too much into one already-busy month, or that I was still happily decorating up until our Christmas Eve dinner for nineteen people, but it just didn’t happen.

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DIY Birch Cone Trees

So, I was walking through Home Goods this past November, checking out all of their wonderful Christmas decorations, and I came across a set of two gorgeous Birch Cone Christmas Trees that I instantly fell in love with.

The only problem…

They were $40 each.  Yuck.  Did I really want to spend eighty dollars on cone trees?  No, I did not.  But I did really, really like them.  So I did this sort-of creepy stalker-shopper thing.  You know what I’m talking about?  Where you reach out to put an item in your cart, and then you pull your arm away because your conscience is already reprimanding you.  And then, just in case anyone happens to be looking, you browse over all the other things nearby on the shelf, but really, all you are doing is thinking about the one thing you aren’t looking at.  So you put it in your cart.  And then you take it out again.  Because, damn it, $80 can go a lot further than two trees! Then you make yourself move on, but just as you round the corner, you sort of look back and stare at it again.  See?  Creepy stalker.

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