Valentine’s Day Decor

So I will start by saying that I initially had no idea what I was going to do for my Valentine’s Day Decor this year.

I was still suffering post traumatic stress from last year’s Valentine’s Day debacle.  I was so determined to keep red out of Valentine’s Day last year, sticking with my new home’s lighter, muted tones that I managed to create the world’s ugliest Valentine’s Day Decor.  Seriously, it’s an utter embarrassment, and I’d delete the whole the blog post completely, but I’d like to think that one day, it will show my growth as a home DIYer.

Maybe.  I’m staying positive.

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Table Setting | My Creative Happy

Anyway, this year I was clueless.  I sort of wanted to go with the traditional red, pink, and white of Valentine’s Day, yet I also like experimenting with color. To say I was in my head a lot the month of January is an understatement.

Pinterest is always a big contributor to ideas when I am stuck, and that’s really where all of this year’s inspirations came from.  It started with these DIY Heart Dream Catchers.  I thought they’d be really fun to make, and not at all expensive, which I love.  I already had the wired jute twine.  I just needed to pick up yarn.  While browsing Michaels, I came across some Valentine-colored balls of yarn marked down to $1 each.  Sold.

Valentine's Day Decor | Sweet Dream Catchers | My Creative Happy

Valentine's Day Decor | Sweet Dream Catcher | My Creative Happy

And what better to go with some Dream Catchers, than a few heart arrows.  I loved this on Pinterest, as well as this , and these .  I decided to make a few arrows myself.

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Table Setting | My Creative Happy

Now, whether life imitates art, or art imitates life, Version 1.0 and I just happened to be watching Dances With Wolves around this time, and my decor CLEARLY started to take on a Native American theme.  I’m thinking my inner warrior was coming out.  I already had the dream catchers, and arrows go perfectly with Cupid and Native Americans.  What else did I need?


Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Table Setting | My Creative Happy

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Table Setting | My Creative Happy

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Table Setting | My Creative Happy

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Table Setting | My Creative Happy

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Table Setting | My Creative Happy

These were so stinkin’ fun to make and totally met my cute factor.  Valentine’s Day needs a little cuteness, don’t you think?

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Table Setting | My Creative Happy

The remainder of my inspiration came from .  I loved the use of flowers and votive candles and wanted to incorporate a similar look with my own table.

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Table Setting | My Creative Happy

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Table Setting | My Creative Happy

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Table Setting | My Creative Happy

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Table Setting | My Creative Happy

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Table Setting | My Creative Happy

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Table Setting | My Creative Happy

You can see my Birch Tree Candles are making an appearance again, this time as a vase.

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Table Setting | My Creative Happy

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Table Setting | My Creative Happy

Lastly, I have forever been in love with Moroccan Wedding Blankets as seen here, and again with this creative DIY project, and wanted to make my own Valentine’s Day version to use as a runner.  We had an old, defected white tablecloth that I cut and made into this table runner.

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Table Setting | My Creative Happy

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Table Setting | My Creative Happy

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Table Setting | My Creative Happy

The living room got a little Valentine’s Day makeover too; though not as dramatic (I tried to keep it a little more subtle since these two rooms are adjoining).

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Mantle | My Creative Happy

I made my own Valentine’s Day Garland to hang in front of the mantle. I got my inspiration from this Valentine Window Garland seen on Noodlehead.

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Mantle Garland | My Creative Happy

I also love these Hanging Heart Softies Cami from Tidbits sewed with her daughter, and made a few of my own for this year’s Valentine’s Day Decor.

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Mantle | My Creative Happy

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Mantle | My Creative Happy

I threw any leftover flowers from the table-setting into vases.  All of these vases, by the way, are from last year’s Frosted Valentine Candle Holders–proof you can reuse and update old projects when you no longer care for them (which is a nice way of saying they remind you of the ugliest Valentine’s Day decor on the face of this earth and you never want to see them again).  This helped to tie the two rooms together.

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Mantle | My Creative Happy

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Mantle | My Creative Happy

Remember my DYI Birch Cone Trees?  They got a little Valentine update too.

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Mantle | My Creative Happy

I promise they are going away after Valentine’s Day, but as it is still winter, I just couldn’t help leaving them out.  They just look so cute with their little hearts.

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Mantle | My Creative Happy

I added a few hearts to this floral bouquet.

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Decorating | My Creative Happy

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Decor| My Creative Happy

And a few more to the windows.

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Decorating | My Creative Happy

I also substituted out the Winter Decor, and brought in some pink and gold covered books to the coffee table to reflect the changing season.

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Decorating | My Creative Happy

All in all, I am very pleased with my Valentine’s Day Decor.  I’m glad I went with color this year! I am loving the pinks, red, corals, and blushes.  They are the cheeriest of pick-me-ups, especially when it is cold and dreary outside.

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Tablescape | My Creative Happy

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Tablescape | My Creative Happy

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Tablescape | My Creative Happy

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Tablescape | My Creative Happy

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Tablescape | My Creative Happy

Valentine's Day Decor | Valentine Tablescape | My Creative Happy

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Kelly Hedlund

P.S. Hubby was quite horrified when he saw what he thought to be Pink Zinfandel in our refrigerator (Wine Snob).  Version 1.0 was mad because he said it looked like Cherry 7-Up and he wanted to drink it, but couldn’t.

This is what I live with, people.

Last Modified on February 14, 2016
This entry was posted in House Love
Tagged with hearts, home decor, Table settings, Tablescape, Valentine's Day
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5 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day Decor

  1. terrypmcmahan

    Very beautiful as usual. Love the Dances with Wolves theme.

    • Thanks, Daddy. Lieutenant Dunbar would approve, don’t you think?? 😘
      KellyHedlund recently posted…Valentine’s Day DecorMy Profile

      • terrypmcmahan


  2. Wow! What a unique and fantastic take on a Valentine’s Day tablescape. Love the native American spin and the little pink teepee’s are so pretty. The colour scheme is so soothing. Your mantel and living room V’s Day décor look wonderful too. So many pics to pin!
    Lori recently posted…Winter Decor on the EtagereMy Profile

  3. Thank you, Lori! It was all very fun to put together. One idea inspired another idea, and so on. Sometimes I am amazed at how things come together. Thanks again for your sweet comments. I really appreciate it.
    KellyHedlund recently posted…Valentine’s Day DecorMy Profile


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