Valentine’s Day Decor

So I will start by saying that I initially had no idea what I was going to do for my Valentine’s Day Decor this year.

I was still suffering post traumatic stress from last year’s Valentine’s Day debacle.  I was so determined to keep red out of Valentine’s Day last year, sticking with my new home’s lighter, muted tones that I managed to create...

Winter Decor | Decorating in January

Winter is my favorite season.

There is something beautiful in the blue-gray sky of winter, and of stark trees with twiggy branches.  I love cold air where you can see your breath, and frost on windows, and I get excited about wearing a sweater and scarf over shorts and flipflops.  Maybe this stems from growing up in Florida, where winters are imaginary, and too...

Christmas Tablescape

Well, you can tell that I am still a newbie blogger, because I could not, for the life of me, get my act together to blog about my Christmas decor before the actual holiday itself.  Blame it on being a full-time working mother, or the fact that I crammed too much into one already-busy month, or that I was still happily decorating up until...

Fall in Blush

Welcome to my Fall Home Tour.  This year, I decided to go pink.  Non-traditional, I know, but I love muted pinks and blush tones.  There’s a softness to those colors that just lends itself to a season of knitted mittens, and fuzzy blankets, and snuggles by a crackling fire.

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Autumn Reminisce

It’s so hard to decorate for fall when it’s still so hot here in Charleston, but don’t think for one second that I’m not silently begging the weather to change!  I’m ready for crisp breezes, and sweaters, and pumpkins, and the smell of fireplaces smoking in the evening.  I’m ready for acorns, and crunchy leaves, and chili with cornbread.  I’m ready to drag all of...

My Sweet Easter

Oh my goodness!!  March has almost come and gone, and I’ve haven’t dedicated nearly half as much time towards Easter as I would have liked!  It seems as if this month truly came in roaring like a lion.  We’ve been on the go, go, go this March.  Hubby and I traveled to Boston earlier this month.  Hubby goes every year to the Boston Seafood...

A Muted Valentine Decor

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I had a lot of fun decorating my home this February.  I definitely went with a more muted color-scheme this year.  I wanted Valentine’s Day to blend in with the existing decor, so I chose to go with a very clean white look in the living room, and some muted corals and blush-tones in the dining room.


A Simple White Christmas

Happy New Year!

I never (ever, ever) make New Year’s resolutions, but I am bound and determined to get this blog off the ground this year.  I don’t know if that’s a true resolution or not, but it certainly is this little itch in the back of my mind whispering, “Do it, girl.  Just sit down and do it!”


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