DIY Gold Leaf PEN Art

I’m having a little love affair with anything gold lately.  Just check out my board on Pinterest, and you’ll see just how much I adore all things that glitter and gleam.

Anyway, this latest craft popped into my head just the other night as I was enjoying some me time wandering the aisles at Hobby Lobby (I may or may not have spent two fabulous kid-free hours just browsing anything and everything the HL had to offer).

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DIY Geometric Painting

I have been loving some geometric patterns lately!!!  You can find them almost anywhere nowadays: on rugs, curtains, pillow covers, coasters, scarves.  I came across this fun print below on Pinterest (via Freedom) and immediately saw the makings of a little DIY craft flash before my eyes. That’s how quickly I work, really. As soon as I see something the creative side of my brain wants to make, the logical side starts working out how soon I can start and/or which two items I can fit it between.  This…my desire to constantly be in the middle of some project…drives my husband crazy.  He doesn’t seem to understand that while paint is drying on one project, it frees up time to rip wood for another, and you can still be thinking about the type of tile you want to use for a kitchen back splash!

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How We Sold Our House in a Weekend

The short version of this story is as follows:  A “For Sale” sign went in our front yard on a Thursday afternoon.  Friday we had six showings.  Saturday we had an offer.  Sunday we had a bidding war going on.  And by Monday morning, our house went from “active” to “contingent” on MLS.

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A Simple White Christmas

Happy New Year!

I never (ever, ever) make New Year’s resolutions, but I am bound and determined to get this blog off the ground this year.  I don’t know if that’s a true resolution or not, but it certainly is this little itch in the back of my mind whispering, “Do it, girl.  Just sit down and do it!”

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